Work plan
Work plan of the project per working packages (WP) and tasks (T)
WP 1 Project management – lead by University of Zenica
T1.1 Kick-off and Project Consortium Board (PCB) meetings
T1.2 Financial and administrative management of all project activities
WP 2 Improving models of external evaluation – lead by University of Mostar
T2.1 Analysis of regulations and procedures in QA in higher education in B&H
T2.2 Study visits to EU partners
T2.3 International conference
T2.4 Enhancing models of external evaluation
T2.5 Proposing mechanism for coordination and harmonization
WP 3 Development of internal quality assurance system and evaluation principles – lead by University of Sarajevo
T3.1 Study visits to partners from the EU and associated countries on the topic of internal quality assurance systems and evaluation
T3.2 Analysis of the model of internal quality assurance systems and evaluations at the universities in B&H
T3.3 Conference on the topic internal evaluation and quality assurance systems – public debate
T3.4 Recommendations for regulating the internal quality assurance systems and evaluation procedures
T3.5 Piloting the procedure for internal evaluation
WP 4 Strengthening capacities of the quality assurance in higher education system – lead by Agency for Development of Higher Education and QA
T4.1 EU partners Workshop on external quality assurance support
T4.2 External and Quality Assurance Workshops for BiH HEIs and CEAs
T4.3 Experts trainings from the list of HEA
T4.4 Round table on the lessons learned from piloting the procedure for internal evaluation and proposal of a new set of criteria for experts and experts trainings
WP 5 Dissemination – lead by Herzegovina University
T5.1 Project dissemination and exploitation plan
T5.2 Project website and social media profile
T5.3 Project promotional materials, presentations and publications
T5.4 Final conference
WP 6 Project monitoring and quality assurance – lead by University of Banja Luka
T6.1 Quality plan, standards, and procedures
T6.2 Periodical Quality reports
T6.3 External Expert Appointment and report