SMEQA is a project application based on the need of BH society for resolving the issue of accreditation of study programmes, improving
Quality Assurance system at higher education institutions and capacity building at all institutions in B&H for the future process of
accreditation. The project activities are focused on institutional and national strengthening of accreditation mechanisms, harmonization of processes in
B&H and systematic implementation of the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG).
Project outputs are oriented on detailed analysis of current state in B&H, strengthening of Agencies, Ministries and HEIs through developing,
improving and implementing the model for study programme accreditation, improving, coordinating and harmonizing current affairs of
accreditation process in B&H at various levels, establishing mechanism of coordination and harmonization of QA system in higher
education in B&H, developing Recommendations for regulating the internal evaluation procedure and offering trainings of experts from the
list of HEA. All project results will be published and available to public in order to ensure that different target groups achieve the projects benefits.
Taking into consideration different cultural context, linguistic diversity, all important documents will be translated on local languages in
order to be understandable and useful to wider audience, with respect that deeper project goals are focused on employment, continuation
of education, cooperation with international institutions, etc. Expected impact of the project is to assure the quality of higher education in Bosnia and Herzegovina as the main pillar of BiH society.